
Kazan, W. The Coinage of Islam (Catalogue of the Collection of William Kazan). (Beirut, 1983).

Large format, 572 pages, over 1000 coins fully described and illustrated in color with major pieces enlarged, sometimes with full page illustration. Bilingual English and Arabic text. Lavishly produced on high-quality art paper and superb photographs. This impressive volume shows the single collection of William Kazan. With text in both Arabic and English, this volume is an important point of reference for anyone with an interest in gold Islamic coins.

Islamic| coins| for sale in the Forum| Ancient| Coins| shop.

From Foreword:

"The historic legacy of a people both creates and sustains its culture, providing guidance to meet the challenges of today and a foundation upon which the future can be faced with confidence. The conservation and development of this national resource thus enables a people to transmit the wisdom and accomplishments of its past to future generations. It is well known that civilisation is much more than mere bricks and mortar; it is the quality of spirit and scientific knowledge living in the people who influence the shape of the world around us that maintains an environment where the individual can express his talents for the good of his fellow men. This cannot be achieved without an awareness and appreciation of his cultural heritage. With this conception in mind, I planned to form a collection of the gold coins of the world of Islam and then have them described and illustrated to give pleasure and benefit to both Arab and foreign readers. It is unfortunate that this subject is so little known, because these coins are not only a true and accurate record of Muslim achievement, but they are also objects of religious faith and beauty which deserve care and protection. I hope therefore, that by examining the pages in this book others will become interested in Islamic coins. It is essential that this research, imperfect as it may be, should be carried on by others if we are to derive the real benefit that this knowledge can bring to scholars and others with intellectual interests."