Latin: Avenging.


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VLTVS.  Ultus.--S. P. Q. R. (Senatus Populusque Romanus)  QVOD INSTINCTV DIVINITATIS MENTIS MAGNITVDINE CVM EXERCIVSVO TAM DE TYRANNO QVAM DE OMNI EIVS FACTIONE VNO TEMP (ore) IVSTIS REMP (ublicam) VLTVS EST ARMIS ARC (um) TRIVMPHIS INSIGNEM DICAVIT.  A large brass medal (size 14 1/2) of Constantine I., of the contorniate class, formerly in the Pembroke collection (Sale Cat., p 297) [CONTORNIATE COINS; QVOD INSTINCTV, &c.}  See Madden, Christian Emblems of the Coins of Constantine I., &c., in the Num. Chron., N.S. 1878, vol, xviii, p. 17.   

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