Karyshkovskij, Petr Osipovich

(March 12, 1921, Odessa - March 6, 1988) - Ukrainian Soviet historian, numismatist, a scholar-encyclopedist.

Doctor of Historical Sciences, professor from 1963 and later department head of the history of the ancient world and Middle Ages of Odessa University. In 1945 graduated from the Faculty of History of Odessa University. In 1946-1948 was the student of universal history (History of Ancient and Byzantine world). In 1951 Peter Osipovich defended his Ph.D. thesis (Political relations of Byzantium, Bulgaria and Russia in the 967-971 he was) and since that time has been to publish articles in journals «History», «Byzantine vremennik», «Journal of Ancient History» on Russian-Byzantine relations in the X century.

Over time, his research interests changed and he became a researcher of antiquity, especially on history and culture of the Northern Black Sea and Byzantium. He published about 180 works, of which the most focused on epigraphy and numismatics - especially the coins of Olbia, where Karyshkovsky in 1968 was doctorate «cause monetary and currency Olbia (VI century. BC. e. - IV century. n. e.)» (published in a separate edition of 2003 g.). Continuing the work at the Odessa State University, Karyshkovsky read various lecture courses, often the history of Greece and Rome. Extensive knowledge and erudition enabled him at different times to lecture at the History Department of the six historical courses of the six specific disciplines and to develop many specialized courses on ancient and medieval history, course «Introduction to» numismatics, and others.

The depth of research Peter Osipovich to a large extent been due to the fact that he possessed a perfect command of many languages: English, German, Italian, Romanian, Polish, Czech, Bulgarian, Serbian, Latin and ancient Greek. Karyshkovsky was elected a corresponding member of the German Archaeological Institute, the American numismatic society, stood at the origins of the Odessa Archaeological Society Name of Professor Karyshkovskogo a street in Odessa.

Karyshkoviskij, P. Coinage and Monetary Circulation in Olbia (6th century B.C. - 4th century A.D.).  (Odessa, 2003)