
Goddess or Personification

Homonoia was the goddess (or spirit or personification) of harmony, concord, unanimity, and oneness of mind.  She is usually depicted either seated or standing with a cornucopia.  Her opposite was Eris (Strife). She was sometimes included among the goddesses Praxidikai, (Exacters of Justice), who were said to be daughters of an early Theban King named Ogygos.

Ancient| Coins| depicting Homonoia| or Concordia|, or related to harmony| or concord| for sale in the Forum| Ancient| Coins| Shop|

City Alliances

Cities in Thrace and Asia Minor sometimes formed homonoia (alliances) with other cities. The competition for prestige and rivalry between cities in the East was intense. Alliances could enhance a city's status by aligning either with many cities or with particularly important ones. Homonoia was part of civic "foreign policy" and might have involved the exchange of delegates and joint celebrations and sacrifices. At least 87 cities issued homonoia coins celebrating their alliances.

Ancient| homonoia| (city| alliances|) coins| for sale in the Forum| Ancient| Coins| Shop|