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C. - Caius, or Caesar. The C by itself signifies sometimes Caius, at other times Caesar.

C. - Caecilius. - See Caecilia gens.

C.- This letter by itself may also signify - 1. Carthago. - 2. Censor. - 3. Centum. - 4. Civis. - 5. Clypeus (a shield). - 6. Cohors (a cohort). - 7. Colonia. - 8. Consultum (a decree). - 9. Cornelius.

C. Condemno. - A C Absolvo-Condemno, on a coin of Cassia gens.

C. Consul. - P C Proconsul. - C V P P Consul Quintum, Pater Patriae; on a brass medaillon of Commodus.

C. - Constantinopolis.

C. - Consulto. - S C Senatus Consulto.

C. Corona. C CIV Corona Civica (Colonial).

C. Cusus. - See C A P R

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