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Location of Phrygia

Phrygia is the name of a large region in Asia Minor. The Phrygians were Trojan allies and were led by Ascanius 3. Another leader of the Phrygians was Asius 1 who served in the same company as Helenus 1 and Deiphobus 1; and Phorcys 1 was also counted as a leader of the Phrygians during the Trojan War. Many other Phrygians are reported to have defended Troy against the Achaean invaders. Priasus 2 commanded the Phrygians who fought in the war that Dionysus 2 waged against the Indians. An uncle of Hector 1, Asius 2, dwelt in Phrygia near the river Sangarius.

Attalus was king of Phrygia when the Ausonian (Italian) lords asked permission to bring Cybele, the Mother of the Gods, to Italy. The CORYBANTES are said to have come to Phrygia when they were expelled from their country by their father. And the CURETES are said to have come from Phrygia to Crete. And of the DACTYLS it is said that they lived in Phrygia about Mt. Ida.

In fact Troy is considered to be a Phrygian city; for Ilus 2 went to Phrygia, finding games held there by the king. And as a prize for having been victorious in wrestling, the king gave him also a cow and bade him found a city wherever the animal should lie down.

And when she was come to the hill of the Phrygian Ate, she lay down; there Ilus 2 built a city and called it Ilium (Troy). Heracles 5, son of Nilus, is said to have compiled the sacred books of Phrygia, whatever these books were. A well known king of Phrygia was Midas, who had wished that whatsoever he might touch with his body would be turned into gold. He was given the ears of an ass by Apollo to expose his poor judgement. The famous Pelops 1 emigrated from Phrygia, and having succeeded to the kingdom of Oenomaus 1 and expanded it, he called it Peloponnesus after himself.

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Apd.2.4.5, 3.5.1, 3.12.3; Apd.Ep.3.8, 3.35; Arg.1.937, 1.1126, 1.1139, 1.1166, 2.787; Cal.Ap.23; Cal.BP.18; Hom.Il.2.862, 3.184, 3.401, 10.431, 16.719, 18.291, 24.545; Hyg.Fab.30, 104, 135, 274; Nonn.9.188, 10.177, 13.150, 13.522, 13.535, 14.270, 14.284, 14.297, 22.6, 22.94, 25.372, 27.34, 27.227, 27.306, 28.85, 32.224, 33.252, 34.214, 37.650, 40.151, 40.224, 43.430, 43.447, 45.61, 47.21, 48.90, 48.239, 48.425, 48.426, 48.442, 48.451, 48.669, 48.718, 48.888; Ov.Met.6.146, 6.177, 6.400, 8.162, 8.621, 11.91, 11.203, 12.70, 12.148, 12.38, 12.612, 13.44, 13.244, 13.337, 13.389, 13.429, 13.435, 13.579, 13.721, 14.79, 14.547, 14.562.