Resources > Maps of the Ancient World

A very interesting map!


Joe Sermarini:
I'm just posting so this new discussion board isn't completely blank, but still click the link and I think you will agree. It is a very interesting map.

I love seeing this new section of Forvm and hope it leads eventually to more of us understanding why so many of us organize our collections in the order presented in the Sear books rather than alphabetically.  Somewhere in elementary school many of us were presented with a map of the US or the world and asked to fill in the names to match the outlines.  How many of us could take a map of the Mediterranean populated with dots indicating cities from which we, ourselves, actually own a coin and be able to add the labels?  How may of us are aware of regional identities and how they developed over the thousand years or so most of us collect?  How many of us are aware of which places regularly aligned and which were in constant conflict?   How many of us just like maps?

I look forward to future developments here. 

Joe Sermarini:
Almost every time I look at one of these maps I get an "ah hah!" moment.

I was surprised to see the Phrygians had settlements up there.
Live and learn!

yes I learn something every time I take a look at those.



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