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NumisWiki Links

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Joe Sermarini:
We have turned on NumisWiki links on the discussion board.   I hope you find them useful and are inspired to contribute to NumisWiki by adding or editing pages.

It may slow down the board, we are working to see if we can make it faster. 

Steve Minnoch:
Most links all seem to go to FORVM's catalog, not Numiswiki?


Joe Sermarini:
If there is a catalog page with the name (Emperors for example then it goes to the catalog).  But there are over 5000 pages in NumisWiki and maybe 100 (never counted them) in the catalog. 

Steve Minnoch:
Fair enough, I just wanted to make sure it was working as you wanted it to.


Joe Sermarini:
Please note, also, that if you click Aurelian (for example) on the discussion board and it go to Aurelian in the catalog, you can then click Aurelian in the catalog and it will go to the NumisWiki page for Aurelian. 


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