Antiquities Discussion Forums > Oil Lamps

Mystery oil lamp

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Your pottery lamp is of the Byzantine period and was made in Asia Minor during the 5th-6th centuries AD. The end of the nozzle and part of the handle are missing.

The unusual configuration, while rare in pottery lamps, is sometimes found on metal examples of this period. The central tube (with internal sleeve) allowed the lamp to be mounted on the pricket (spike) of a lampstand. As you noted, the filling-hole is incorporated in the handle.

I can't currently recall any references for this type but I hope my information has helped.


Thanks David.  Very useful.

I took a chance on this lamp.  I saw it in an antique shop (with nothing else older than about 200 years), in a small town in Austria about 8 years ago.  It was 20 euros.

I remember thinking that it had a very weird design and could well be fake given price and location, but that the fabric looked very good.



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