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Analysis of 2 Hoards Added to NumisWiki


Joe Sermarini:
We have recently added analyses of 2 hoards to NumisWiki:

The Antioch Hoard of Gallienus

A selection of coins from this hoard were offered in a sale by Alex G. Malloy in 1992.  The catalog is available in PDF on the NumisWiki page.  A historical overview of the period and the hoard analysis from the Malloy catalog have been reproduced on NumisWiki. 

This analysis includes:

The Age of Gallienus by Camden W. Percival, a historical overview of the period. Age of Gallienus

Hoard Analysis |Part| 1 by David W. Sorenson, Ph.D.

Hoard Analysis |Part| 2 by Camden W. Percival Hoard of Gallienus

The Temple Tax Hoard

Hoard Analysis by Alexandru Marian and Joseph Sermarini tax hoard


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