Antiquities Discussion Forums > Egyptian Antiquities

Need an Egyptologist - An Recommendations?


Joe Sermarini:
I need the help of an Egyptologist to authenticate and identify scarabs, shabtis, and other Egyptian items. Despite spending a small fortune buying a significant library. And dedicating many many hours to learn. I still have scarabs and shabtis that I bought more than 10 years ago and have never found time to work on. I find the scarabs particularly difficult. Anyone have the skills or have someone they can recommend? Thanks.

Do you know Dr. Bron Lipkin.

He is a small scale dealer in London UK.  Specialist in Egyptian stuff including fakes.


Joe Sermarini:
Thanks Shawn. I don't know him, but I will look him up and will see if he is interested. Thanks again.

I went to his house in London about 20 years ago and bought a couple of Egyptian mace heads.  He was not young then so I don't know if he is still active, but his website seems to be.



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