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2021 Member of the Year - Jay Grande (Jay GT4)

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Congratulations Jay and Mark.


Ron C2:
Bravo Zulu Jay and Mark - thanks for all your wonderful enrichment of the discussions here on Forum.

Great members both, generous and helpful.

Very nice to see these winners both Gents are a great help to this website, keep up the good work

Mark Fox:
Dear Board,

Sorry for the late post.  I was a bit busy yesterday and did not want to simply give a terse "thank you."

My preliminary response to everything on the voting thread regrettably neglected to thank the voters themselves!  I would like to correct that now by saying, whoever you all are (I know a few), I am deeply touched that you not only thought of me, but thought I was worth a vote.  Likewise, I am grateful that Jay (this year's Tribunus Plebis for 2021) and the other four nominees received as many votes as they did!  They all work hard to make this virtual forum/agora interesting and entertaining, intellectually indispensable, manageable, and welcoming to newcomers and old-hands alike.  Just being nominated is a big recognition of that.   

Jay mentioned more than once about his awkwardness in being in said company.  In a similar way, a part of me is having a bit of a problem fully registering everyone's kind comments.  Are they really talking about me?  Although perhaps debatable, another part of me feels if I suddenly disappear here, the boards will manage and carry on just fine, but if Jay vanishes, I am not so certain...  In my humble opinion, he is one of Forvm's anchors who is actively keeping the site moored in quiet waters in a myriad of little ways.  "The little way" should never be underestimated. 

Want to see something maybe a bit shocking?

Well, I suppose everyone had to start somewhere!  And I am still learning.  That is why, no matter how old I become, I hope to die young.  For to be young, implies one is still growing, and learning (or at least the willingness to learn) implies one is still growing.  To consciously stop learning strangles our last avenue of growth.  Once that happens, we truly become old then.

Best regards,

Mark Fox

P.S.:  And Altamura is Rex Incoronatus 2021 of Forvm's Discussion Boards!  At least in my book! 


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