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PRAEFECTUS.  The name of Prefect, so long as Rome retained even a shadow of a republican government, was confined to certain magistrates of the city and to the governors of provincial towns in Italy.  But under the emperors such changes took place both in the authority and influence which had formerly belonged to the first officers of the state, that some were reduces to mere ciphers and others were called by new apellations.  Julius Caesar appointed Prefects instead of Praetors.
   Augustus was the first to confer the title of Prefect on governors of provinces.
   The title of Prefect is frequently found on leaden coins.
   Praefecti Clasium and Praefecti Fabrum are found on silver coins of the republican mint, and of the triumverate of Octavius Lepidus and Antony.
   Prefects are also enumerated among the magistrates of colonies.

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