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    ALAMANNI, or ALEMANNI.----Under this title are to be considered as included the Ubii, the Sicambri, the Teneteri, the Usipetes, the Catti, the Cherusces; that is to say, the inhabitants of the upper and lower Rhine, and those beyond that great river, such as the Westphaliaus, the Hessians, and the Saxons, as far as the Elbe and the Weser, on the banks of which, as well as on the Rhine and the Meuse, Drusus, in the time of Augustus, built forts and established garrisons, to hold the natives in check; at the same time that he opened a road for his troops through the Hyrcanian forest. The victories of Drusus (brother of Tiberius) over the Alamanni, are commemorated on medals, under the inscription DE GERMANIS (see the word.)----But those exploits were not followed by the entire subjugation of the Germanic nations, nor was their country reduced to the form of a province in the same effectual manner as Augustus succeeded in doing with regard to Gaul, Spain, Illyria, Egypt, and other regions, over which the Roman arms had been victorious. At a later period, however, of the empire, the Alamanni inhabiting that part of Germany, which is situated between the Danube, the Upper Rhine, and the Mayne, were subdued, first by Caracalla, and afterwards by Proculus, in the reign of Aurelian. Afterwards Constantius Chlorus, whilst Caesar, overthrew them with a great slaughter.----They continued, nevertheless, from time to time, to wage war against subsequent emperors, from Constantine the Great to Gratianus and downwards. Nor were they finally brought to subjection until A.D. 496, when they met with a decisive defeat by Clodovicus, king of the Franks. 

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