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XXX., as a mark of value on a Romano-Campanian gold coin published by Riccio (Le Mon. delle ant. fam. di Roma. Supp., pl lxvii., 7), Cohen (Med. Cons., p. 346, No. 10, pl. xliv., 10), Mommsen (Mon. Rom., vol. i., p. 371), and Garrucci (Sylloge, p.46, No. 5); but the piece is rejected as false by the Baron d'Ailly (Recherches sur la Mon. Rom., vol, i., p. 194) an opinior upheld by M. Babelon (Mon. de la Repub. Rom., vol. i., p. 24.)

XXX. Tricennalibus - VOT XX. MVLT. XXX., VOT. XXX MVLT. XXXX. [See X. Decennalibus, XX, Vicennalibus.]

XXX. Tricesima, Tricesimo, Tricesimum, and similarly with the compounds of XXX. up to XXXIX. or XXXVIIII. [See X. Decimum.]


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