Prokesch-Osten (PO)

von Prokesh-Osten, A. "Liste des Alexandres de ma collection qui ne se trouvent pas dans le catalogue de Mr. L. Müller" in NZ 1 (Constantinople, 1869). pp. 31 - 64.

    List of Alexanders in my collection that are not found in the catalog of Mr. L. Müller.

Available online:

Prokesch-Osten II (PO(2))

von Prokesh-Osten, A. "Suite des monnaies inédites d'or et d'argent d'Alexandre le Grand" in NZ 3 (Constantinople, 1873). pp. 51 - 72.

   Continuation of previously unpublished gold coins and silver Alexander the Great.

Available online:'or+et+d'argent+d'Alexandre+le+Grand&source=bl&ots=MZ3fexTaq-&sig=kQYU-gqLQGrNme1PkgLUls8dTj4&hl=en&sa=X&ei=wLz_U6XNPIzLgwS1tYC4AQ&ved=0CCcQ6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q&f=false