
Feugere, M. Les fibules en Gaule meridionale de la conquite a la fin du Ve sicle apres J.-C. (Paris, 1985).

The fibulae of the conquerors in southern Gaul at the end of the 5th century AD.

Available Online

Based on a corpus of 2091 objects, representing all the documentation available at the time, this book proposed the first interregional approach of fibulae from the end of the Iron Age and the Roman era in Narbonnaise. These objects, which affect the manner of dress, appearance and thus individual and social identity, are important sociological and chronological markers for archaeologists. By further proposing a typology that is still used thirty years later, this book greatly stimulated the study of fibulae in Gaul and, more generally, in the western provinces of the Roman Empire.288 pages. Michel Feugere is Head of Research at CNRS (the French equivalent of English Heritage).

Also see:
Feugere Weapons

Table of Contents

1. Introduction....9
2. Methodology.....21
3. Catalog.....25
4. Typological study.....
Index 1. Cities...455
Index 2. Localities or sites.....462
Index 3. Places of storage.....
Index 4. Acronyms of places of conservation (museums, deposits, collections)
Index 5. Index of place names.....474
Bibliography abbreviations.....484