
ANIMA - the soul, or spirit. - On a large brass of Antoninus Pius, with reverse legend of CONSECRATIO S C, an eagle is standing on a globe, emblematical of the anima of that emperor soaring to take its seat in the celestial regions. Conformably to the professed belief, involved in the Roman ceremony of CONSECRATION, the spirit of Marcus Aurelius is typified on a coin (large brass) of that emperor, as carried on an eagle to its place amongst the stars. - An eagle is also seen on a consecration medal of the younger Faustina, conveying the soul of that empress to heaven. - "It was the custom of the Romans, says Spanheim (v. Caesars de Julien, p.17), to represent the emperors, and their wives, borne to the skies, on eagles, or on peacocks, or on the wings of Victory."

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