Islamic Rulers

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All dates are A.D.

SPAIN 756 - 1492
In 711 Arab conquest had reached Spain, the Visigoths were defeated, and by 713 the Muslims had reached Narbonne in France. In 756, 'Abd al-Rahman, grandson of the Umayyad Caliph, Hisham, became the ruler in Spain.

Umayyad Amirs, 756-912

'Abd al-Rahman I, 756 - 788.
Hisham I, 788 - 796.
al-Hakam I, 796 - 822.
'Abd al-Rahman II, 822 - 852.
Muhammad I, 852 - 886.
al-Mundhir, 886 - 888.
'Abd Allah, 888 - 912.

The Umayyad Caliphs, 912-1031

'Abd aI-Rahman III (al-Nasir li-Din Allah), 912 - 961.
al-Hakam II (al-Mustansir), 961 - 976.
Hisham II (al-Mu'ayyad), 1st reign, 976 - 1009.
Muhammad II (al-Mahdi), 1009 (9 months).
Sulayman (al-Musta'in), 1st reign, 1009 - 1010 (6-1/2 months).
Hisham II 2nd reign, 1010 - 1013.
Sulayman, 2nd reign, 1013-1016.
'Abd al-Rahman V (al-Mustazhir), 1023 - 1024 (for 47 days).
Hisham III (al-Mu'tadd), 1027 - 1031.

Muluk al-Tawa'if, 1010-1114

Muluk al-Tawa'if (Spanish, "los reyes de taifas") is the name for the rival dynasties in Spain after the collapse of the Umayyad dynasty.

From now on only the dates and locations of dynasties are shown.

Hammudid of Malaga 1014 - 1056 Conquered by Zirids 1056.
The Hammudid were originally governors at Ceuta (N. Africa) under the Umayyads, but in 1017 al-Nasir Ali deposed Sulayman and declared himself Caliph at Cordoba. He was driven out of there and established himself in Malaga.
Hammudid of Wadi Lau. 1050
Zirid of Granada 1013 - 1090 Conquered by Almoravids 1090.
Barghawatid of Ceuta 1061 - 1083.
'Amirid of Valencia 1021 - 1065.
'Amirid of Almeria 1037 - 1044.
Slave Kingdom of Denia 1012 - 1076 Conquered by Hudids 1076.
Kingdom of Mallorca 1076 - 1115.
Tujibid of Zaragoza 1010 - 1040.
Hudid of Zaragoza 1040 - 1110 + 1130 - 1146, Almoravid occupation 1110 - 1118, occupied by Aragon 1118 - 1130 and conquest 1146.
Hudid of Lerida 1046 -1047.
Hudid of Calatayud 1046 - 1048.
Hudid of Denia 1081 - 1099.
Hudid of Huesca 1046 - 1047.
Hudid of Tudela 1046 - 1050.
Kingdom of Tortosa 1036 - 1061.
Dhu'l-Nunid of Toledo 1018 - 1080 Conquered by Aftasids 1080-81, Leon & Castille 1085.
Qasimid of Alpuente 1030 - 1058.
Jawharid of Cordoba 1043 - 1058.
Sumaydihid of Almeria 1044 - 1091.
Aftasid of Badajoz 1022 - 1094 Conquered by Almoravids 1091.
'Abbadid of Sevilla 1023 - 1091 Conquered by Almoravids 1091.
Murcia, 1012 - 1049.
Tahirids 1049 - 1078, Abbadid conquest 1078.
'Amirids of Valencia, 1021 - 1099, Almoravid conquest 1102.

Almoravides (Murabitid) Sultans

The Almoravides were from North Africa and conquered much of Muslim Spain 1061 - 1147 (crossed to Spain 1086).

Taifas Almoravides

The collapse of the Almoravides spawned a number of factional kingdoms.

Kings of Cordoba 1144 - 1148, Almohad conquest 1148.
Kings of Valencia 1144 - 1147, Almohad conquest 1172.
Kings of Murcia 1145 - 1148, Almohad conquest 1172.
Kings of Mertola and Silves 1145 - 1152.
Banu Ghaniya of Majorca 1126 - 1203, Almohad conquest 1203.


This dynasty conquered much of Spain, but could not survive the onslaught of Christian Spain. 1130 - 1269, abandoned Spain 1229.

Taifas Almohades

The collapse of the Almohad empire, produced a number of fiefdoms.

Later Hudids of Murcia 1228 - 1264, conquest by Aragon 1226.
Nasrid Sultans of Granada 1232 - 1490.

The Arabs were expelled by Ferdinand and Isabella in 1492.

Early period/Umayyad and Abbasid Caliphs
North Africa
Egypt and Syria
Arabian Peninsular
Iran - early period
Iran under Seljuks
Seljuks of Rum
The Mongols and after
Ottoman Empire