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Geographical Dictionary
Lyceum to Phicium

Abae to Byzeres
Cabeiraea to Elysium
Emathia to Lycastus
Lyceum to Phicium
Phigalia to Zone

Lyceum. Gymnasium at Athens where the learned met [Ov.Met.2.710].

Lycia. Region on the southern coast of Asia Minor east of Caria [Apd.2.2.1, 2.3.2, 3.1.2; Arg.1.309, 2.674; Cal.Del.304; Hom.Il.2.876, 4.197, 4.206, 5.105, 5.173, 5.479, 5.482, 5.633, 5.645, 5.647, 5.673, 5.676, 5.678, 6.78, 6.172, 6.188, 6.194, 6.210, 7.13, 8.173, 10.430, 11.285, 11.286, 12.312, 12.315, 12.330, 12.346, 12.359, 12.376, 12.408, 12.417, 13.150, 14.426, 15.424, 15.485, 16.422, 16.437, 16.455, 16.490, 16.495, 16.512, 16.525, 16.532, 16.541, 16.564, 16.584, 16.593, 16.659, 16.673, 16.683, 16.685, 17.140, 17.146, 17.154, 17.172, 17.184; Hyg.Fab.151; Nonn.22.147; Ov.Met.4.296, 6.317, 6.340, 6.382, 9.645, 12.116].

Lycoa. City in Arcadia [Pau.8.3.4].

Lycoreia. City on Parnassos above Delphi [Arg.4.1490; Cal.Ap.19].

Lycormas. River in Aetolia [Hyg.Fab.242; Ov.Met.2.245].

Lyctos. City in Crete [Cal.Ap.33; Hes.The.477; Hom.Il.2.647, 17.611; Nonn.13.232].

Lycus. A tributary of the river Phasis in Colchis [Arg.4.132].

Lydia. Region in western Asia Minor between Caria and Mysia [Apd.2.6.3; Hyg.Fab.88, 191; Nonn.10.139, 13.42, 13.464, 13.511, 14.11, 14.217, 17.106, 17.318, 22.146, 25.327, 27.219, 29.280, 33.256, 34.213, 35.99, 37.136, 40.188, 43.172, 43.366, 43.412, 43.441, 44.134, 45.18, 45.80, 46.123, 46.174; Ov.Met.6.11, 6.146, 11.98].

Lyrcea. A city between Argos and Orneae [Pau.2.25.5].

Lyrceum. Mountain between Argolis and Arcadia [Ov.Met.1.598].

Lyrnessus. City east of Mount Ida in Asia Minor [Apd.Ep.3.33; Hom.Il.2.690, 2.691, 19.60, 20.92; Ov.Met.12.108, 13.176].

Macaria. City in Arcadia founded by Macareus 1, son of Lycaon 2 [Pau.8.3.3].

Macedonia. Region north of Thessaly [Cal.Del.167; Hyg.Fab.219; Nonn.2.400; Ov.Met.12.466].

Macrians. People living in Thrace about the Propontis [Arg.1.1024].

Macris. Abantian Macris, in Euboea [Cal.Del.20].

Macris Isle. Corcyra (see also Phaeacians) [Arg.4.1175].

Macrones. People living in northern Asia Minor, neighbours of the Philyres [Arg.2.394, 2.1242].

Maenalus (Maenala). Mountain in Arcadia [Arg.1.168, 1.770; Cal.Ar.89, 224; Ov.Met.1.215, 5.608].

Maeonia. Region in Lydia about Mount Tmolos in Asia Minor [Apd.Ep.3.35; Cal.Del.250; Hom.Il.2.866, 3.401, 4.141, 10.431, 18.291; Nonn.10.307, 13.397, 14.204, 14.250, 24.51, 25.376, 25.451, 25.455, 34.212, 35.128, 40.153, 43.444; Ov.Met.2.252, 3.583, 4.423, 6.5, 6.149].

Magnesia. Coastal area of eastern Thessaly south of Mount Ossa [Apd.Ep.3.14, 6.15a; Arg.1.238, 1.584; Hyg.Fab.14, 97, 173a; Nonn.10.321; Ov.Met.11.408].

Malea. Mountain or cape in the southeastern promontory of Peloponnesus [Apd.2.5.4; Hom.Od.3.287, 4.514, 9.80, 19.187].

Mantinea (Mantineia). City in Arcadia founded by Mantineus 2, son of Lycaon 2 [Apd.Ep.7.39; Hom.Il.2.607; Nonn.13.290; Pau.8.3.4].

Marathon. City in eastern Attica [Apd.2.5.8, 2.8.2, 3.15.7; Apd.Ep.1.5; Hom.Od.7.80; Hyg.Fab.38; Nonn.12.152, 13.153, 13.184, 27.300, 37.146, 37.322, 38.74, 39.113, 39.213, 47.18, 47.340, 47.374, 47.382, 47.387, 47.408, 48.960; Ov.Met.7.434].

Mariandynians (Mariandyni). People inhabiting an area of the southern coast of the Black Sea [Apd.1.9.23; Arg.2.140, 2.352, 2.722, 2.748, 2.753; Hyg.Fab.14].

Marmarides. People from Marmarica in Egypt [Ov.Met.5.125].

Marruvians. A tribe of Latium, Italy [Vir.Aen.7.752].

Marsyas. River in Phrygia, which empties into the Meander [Ov.Met.6.400].

Mases. Place in Argolis [Hom.Il.2.562; Strab.8.6.17].

Massagetic Gulf. The Caspian Sea [Nonn.40.287].

Maurusians (Moors). People living in the western part of the Libyan desert [Nonn.13.344; Vir.Aen.4.206].

Meander. River in Caria, southern Asia Minor [Hom.Il.2.869; Nonn.13.515, 13.565, 25.406; Ov.Met.2.246, 8.162].

Medeon. A citadel in Boeotia [Hom.Il.2.501; Nonn.13.66].

Media. Region in Asia [Apd.1.9.28; Hyg.Fab.27; Nonn.21.248, 23.81, 27.300].

Megalopolis. City in Arcadia [Pau.8.44.1].

Megara. City on the Isthmus of Corinth [Apd.3.15.5, 3.15.8; Apd.Ep.1.2; Arg.2.747; Hyg.Fab.198; Nonn.25.155.].

Melaeneae. City in Arcadia [Pau.8.3.3, 8.26.8].

Melampods. People living in Egypt before the country received its present name [Apd.2.1.4-5].

Melas. River in Thrace [Ov.Met.2.247].

Melian. A race of men to whom Zeus denied fire [Hes.The.563].

Melians. People living in Trachis (southern Thessaly) [Apd.2.7.7].

Meliboea. City in Thessaly [Arg.1.592; Hom.Il.2.717; Hyg.Fab.97].

Melite (I). Island in the Adriatic Sea [Arg.4.572].

Melite (II). Island in the Mediterranean (today Malta) [Ov.Fast.3.567].

Melite (III). City in Phthia [Lib.Met.13].

Meliteian mount. Mountain in Corcyra [Arg.4.1150].

Melos. One of the Cyclades Islands [Apd.Ep.6.15b].

Memphis. City in Egypt [Apd.2.1.4; Hyg.Fab.149; Nonn.3.299, 4.266].

Mendes. City in Egypt [Ov.Met.5.144].

Mentores (Mentorians). People of Illyria [Arg.4.551].

Meroe. Bakarawia [Nonn.17.396].

Messapia. Calabria (the 'heel' of Italy) [Ov.Met.14.513].

Messe. Perhaps apocopated form of Messene (see also Messenia) [Hom.Il.2.582].

Messeis. Spring in Thessaly [Hom.Il.6.457].

Messenia. Region in southwestern Peloponnesus [Apd.1.7.9, 1.8.2, 1.9.9, 1.9.12, 2.8.4, 2.8.5, 2.8.6, 3.11.2; Hom.Od.21.18; Hyg.Fab.14, 80, 137, 173a; Ov.Met.2.679, 6.417, 14.17; Pau.4.4.1].

Metallon. River in Lydia [Nonn.13.472].

Methone. Place in Thessaly [Hom.Il.2.716].

Methydrium. City in Arcadia founded by Orchomenus 2, son of Lycaon 2 [Pau.8.3.3].

Methymna. City in Lesbos [Hyg.Fab.194; Ov.Met.11.55].

Metope. River in Arcadia [Cal.Ze.26].

Midea. City in Argolis, northeast of Argos [Apd.2.4.5, 2.4.6].

Mideia. City in Boeotia [Hom.Il.2.507; Nonn.13.60].

Miletus. Name of two cities, one in Crete and the other in Caria (Asia Minor) [Apd.3.1.2; Arg.1.186; Cal.Ar.226; Hom.Il.2.647, 2.8.868; Hyg.Fab.14; Nonn.13.233].

Mimas. Mountain in Ionia (Asia Minor) opposite Chios [Apd.Ep.6.15b; Cal.Del.67, 157; Cal.Dem.91; Hom.Od.3.172; Ov.Met.2.222].

Minyans (Minyae). People of northern Boeotia (Orchomenus). The ARGONAUTS were often referred to as Minyans [Apd.2.4.11, 2.4.12; Arg.1.709, 1.763, 1.1055, 2.97, 3.578, 4.117, 4.338, 4.506, 4.595, 4.1074, 4.1220, 4.1364, 4.1500, 11.284; Hyg.Fab.14; Ov.Met.6.720, 7.1, 7.8, 7.115, 7.120].

Minyeius. River that empties near Arene in Messenia [Hom.Il.11.722].

Molossia. The country of the Molossians in Epirus, called after Molossus, Neoptolemus' son [Apd.2.7.3; Apd.Ep.6.12, 6.13; Hyg.Fab.225; Ov.Met.1.226].

Moors. See Maurusians.

Mopsopian. Athenian (after a king Mopsopus) [Ov.Met.5.660].

Mossynoeci. People living east of the Tibareni in the northeastern part of Asia Minor [Arg.2.379, 2.1016, 2.1117].

Mothone. Harbour in Messenia (Messenian Pedasus renamed) [Pau.4.3.10, 4.35.1].

Mount of Bears. In Arctonessos Island, in the Propontis [Arg.1.1150].

Munychia. Harbour of Athens [Cal.Ar.259; Ov.Met.2.709].

Mycalessos (Mycale). Promontory in Ionia (Asia Minor) on the mainland opposite Samos [Cal.Del.50; Hom.Il.2.498, 2.869; Nonn.13.563; Ov.Met.2.223].

Mycenae. City in Argolis north of Argos [Apd.2.1.3, 2.4.5, 2.4.6, 2.5.1, 2.5.3, 2.5.9; Apd.Ep.2.11, 2.16, 3.6, 3.12, 6.23, 6.25, 6.28, 6.29; Arg.1.128; Hom.Il.2.569, 4.52, 4.376, 9.44, 11.46, 15.638; Hom.Od.3.305, 21.108; Hyg.Fab.30, 88, 97, 119, 121, 122; Nonn.25.106, 31.259, 41.267, 41.268, 47.556, 47.647, 47.668; Ov.Met.6.414, 12.34].

Myconos. A small island to the east of Delos [Apd.Ep.6.6; Ov.Met.7.463].

Mygdonia. People from Thrace, who emigrated to Phrygia. Therefore Mygdonia = Lydia [Hyg.Fab.191; Nonn.1.153, 13.505, 13.568, 14.14, 15.59, 16.100, 24.35, 25.331, 25.456, 27.232, 28.34, 37.654, 38.11, 40.223, 40.263, 43.23, 43.320, 43.347, 43.414, 45.61, 46.175, 47.25; Ov.Met.6.45].

Myrina. City in Lemnos [Arg.1.604, 1.634; Nonn.3.133].

Myrmex. Place in Samothrace [Nonn.13.397].

Myrmidons. People of Phthia, led by Achilles during the Trojan War [Apd.Ep.3.14, 3.31, 4.6; Arg.4.1772; Hom.Il.1.180, 1.328, 2.684, 7.126, 9.652, 11.797, 16.12, 16.15, 16.39, 16.65, 16.155, 16.164, 16.194, 16.200, 16.220, 16.240, 16.266, 16.269, 16.506, 16.546, 16.564, 16.570, 16.596, 18.10, 18.69, 18.323, 18.355, 19.14, 19.278, 19.299, 21.188, 23.4, 23.6, 23.60, 23.129, 24.397, 24.449, 24.536; Hom.Od.3.188, 4.9, 11.495; Hyg.Fab.52; Nonn.13.206, 37.611].

Myrsinus. City in Elis [Hom.Il.2.616].

Myrtoan Sea. Between the Peloponnesus and the Cyclades [Apd.Ep.2.8].

Myrtussa. Myrtle, hill in Cyrene [Arg.2.505; Cal.Ap.91].

Mysia (Moesia). Northwestern part of Asia Minor [Apd.1.9.18, 1.9.19, 1.9.20, 2.5.9, 3.9.1; Apd.Ep.3.17, 3.18, 3.20, 3.35, 5.12; Arg.1.1115, 1.1164, 1.1180, 1.1298, 1.1322, 1.1345.1.1349, 2.766, 2.781, 2.786, 4.1472; Hom.Il.2.858, 10.430, 13.5, 14.512, 24.278; Hyg.Fab.14, 71].

Myus. City in Caria, Asia Minor [Pau.7.2.10].

Nabataea. Country in Arabia [Ov.Met.5.163].

Narex. One of the mouths of the river Ister [Arg.4.311].

Narycea (Narycus, Naryx). City in Opuntian Locris, home of Ajax 2 [Hyg.Fab.14; Ov.Met.8.312, 14.468; Strab.9.4.2].

Nasamonia. Land south-west of Cyrenaica [Ov.Met.5.129].

Naupactus. Harbour in Ozolian Locris [Apd.2.8.3].

Navaethus. River in Italy [Apd.Ep.6.15c].

Naxos. One of the Cyclades islands [Apd.1.7.4, 3.5.3; Apd.Ep.1.9; Hyg.Fab.192; Nonn.42.462, 47.266, 47.280, 47.304, 47.312, 47.351, 47.354, 47.375, 47.376, 47.406, 47.442, 47.459, 47.469, 47.474, 48.559; Ov.Met.3.636, 3.649].

Neda. River in Messenia [Pau.4.33.1].

Neistan (Neistae) Gate. One of the seven gates at Thebes [Aes.Sev.458].

Nemea. City in northern Argolis [Apd.1.9.14, 2.4.11, 2.5.1, 3.6.4; Hes.The.327, 329, 331; Hyg.Fab.30, 74, 85, 273; Nonn.25.213; Ov.Met.9.235].

Nepeian plain. In Adrastia [Arg.1.1116].

Nericus. A citadel on the mainland in front of the island of Cephallenia [Hom.Od.24.377].

Neritum. Mountain in Ithaca [Hom.Il.2.632; Hom.Od.9.22, 13.351; Ov.Met.13.712, 14.159ff.].

Nesos. City in Arcadia [DH.1.49.2].

Nestaeans. People of Illyria [Arg.4.1215].

Nestian land. Thrace [Arg.4.337].

Nile. River in Egypt [Apd.2.1.3, 2.1.4; Cal.Del.185, 208; Nonn.1.142, 2.167, 3.367, 6.340, 22.3, 26.235, 26.238, 26.245, 31.37, 32.69, 40.393; Ov.Met.1.423, 1.728, 2.254, 5.187, 5.324].

Nisa. Former name of Megara [Arg.2.747, 2.847; Hom.Il.2.508; Nonn.13.79].

Nisyrus. One of the Sporades (now Dodecanese) Islands [Hom.Il.2.676; Hyg.Fab.97].

Nomian Mountains. In Arcadia [Pau.8.38.9].

Nonacris (I). Mountain in Arcadia [Ov.Met.1.690].

Nonacris (II). City in Arcadia [Pau.8.17.6].

Noricum. Country between the Danube and the Alps [Ov.Met.14.712].

Notium. Ionian city in Asia Minor [Apd.Ep.6.4].

Numicius. River in Latium [Ov.Met.14.328, 14.599].

Nymphaea. Island in the Adriatic Sea [Arg.4.574].

Nysa. Mountain and country of uncertain African or Asian location [Apd.1.6.3, 3.4.3; Arg.2.1214, 4.431, 4.1134; Nonn.20.147, 21.101, 21.109, 40.297, 48.33; Ov.Met.3.314].

Oanos. Mountain in Lydia [Nonn.13.471].

Ocaleae (Ocalea). A place in Boeotia near Lake Copais [Apd.2.4.11; Hom.Il.2.501; Nonn.13.58; Strab.9.2.27].

Ocean. Stream of water surrounding the world [Hom.Il.5.6, 8.485, 14.246, 16.151, 18.240, 18.402, 18.489, 18.607, 19.1, 23.205; Hom.Od.5.275, 10.511, 11.13, 11.21, 11.639, 12.1, 19.434, 20.65, 22.197, 23.244, 23.347, 24.11; Nonn.1.496, 2.247, 2.277, 4.116, 5.487, 6.225, 6.255, 7.241, 8.158, 8.171, 11.22, 12.11, 12.116, 14.337, 19.342, 23.243, 25.137, 25.218, 26.189, 32.8, 41.101, 42.481, 43.186; Ov.Met.7.267].

Odomanti (Odomantes). People living in northeastern Macedonia [Parth.6.1].

Odrysians. People living in Thrace [Ov.Met.6.490, 13.554].

Oechalia. City of doubtful location. Perhaps in Euboea, Thessaly or Messenia (see Carnasium) [Apd.2.6.1, 2.7.7; Arg.1.87; Hom.Il.2.596, 2.730; Hom.Od.8.224; Hyg.Fab.14, 29, 35, 173a; Ov.Met.9.136, 9.331].

Oenoe. One of the Cyclades Islands [Apd.2.5.3; Arg.1.626].

Oenoe. A place in Attica [Nonn.13.182].

Oenone. Former name of the island Aegina [Apd.3.12.6].

Oenopia. Former name of Aegina [Ov.Met.7.473, 7.490].

Oenotria. Territory in Italy from the strait of Sicily to the Gulfs of Tarentum and Poseidonia (Salerno). Formerly the name of Italy [DH.1.12.1; Pau.8.3.5; Strab.5.1.1].

Oeta. Mountain in Trachinian territory, between Thessaly and Aetolia [Apd.2.7.7; Hyg.Fab.36; Ov.Met.1.313, 2.217, 9.165, 9.204, 9.230, 9.249, 11.383].

Oetylus. Coastal city south of Sparta [Hom.Il.2.585].

Ogryle. City in Sardinia [Pau.10.17.5].

Ogygia (I). Island of doubtful location in the western Mediterranean [Apd.Ep.7.23; Hom.Od.1.85, 6.172, 7.244, 7.254, 12.448, 23.333].

Ogygia (II). Boeotia [Arg.3.1178].

Ogygian. One of the seven gates of Thebes [Apd.3.6.6; Stat.Theb.8.356].

Olenus. City of western Achaea on the Gulf of Patrae [Apd.1.8.4, 2.5.5; Arg.1.202; Hom.Il.2.617, 2.639, 11.757; Nonn.1.450].

Oliarus. One of the Cyclades Islands [Ov.Met.7.469].

Olizon. City in Thessaly [Apd.Ep.3.14; Hom.Il.2.717].

Olmeios. River running from Helicon into Lake Copais [Nonn.7.236].

Oloosson. City in Thessaly [Hom.Il.2.739].

Olympia. City west of Pisa in Elis [Apd.2.7.2; Hyg.Fab.273].

Olympus. Mountain in Pieria, a part of northern Thessaly. Home of the OLYMPIANS [Apd.1.3.5, 1.7.4, 2.5.8, 2.7.1; Arg.1.504, 1.598, 1.1099, 2.300, 2.603, 2.1232, 3.113, 3.159, 3.1358, 4.95, 4.770, 4.781; Cal.Del.220; Cal.Dem.58; Hes.The.25, 37, 42, 51, 52, 62, 68, 75, 101, 113, 114, 391, 397, 408, 529].

Olynthos. City in Chalcidice founded by Brangas, and so called in honour of his brother Olynthus, who died killed by a lion [Con.4].

Ombelos. Indian river [Nonn.26.49].

Omphalion. Plain of the navel, near Cydonia in Crete [Cal.Ze.44].

Oncaidian (Oncaean). One of the seven gates of Thebes [Apd.3.6.6; Nonn.5.70].

Onchestus. City in Boeotia [Apd.2.4.11, 3.15.8; Arg.3.1242; Hom.Il.2.506; Nonn.13.58; Ov.Met.10.605].

Oncium. Place in Arcadia [Pau.8.25.4].

Ophis. River in Arcadia [Pau.8.8.4].

Ophiusa. Former name of Cyprus [Ov.Met.10.229].

Opus. City of Opuntian Locris [Apd.2.5.8, 3.13.8; Arg.1.69, 4.1780; Hom.Il.2.531; Hyg.Fab.14].

Oraea. Former name of the land about Troezen [Pau.2.30.5].

Orchomenus (I). Minyan Orchomenus, city in northern Boeotia [Apd.2.4.11; Apd.Ep.3.11; Arg.2.654, 2.1093, 2.1153, 2.1186, 3.265, 3.266, 3.1073, 3.1094, 4.257; Hom.Il.2.510, 9.381; Hom.Od.11.284, 11.459; Nonn.13.95, 24.261, 31.129, 31.205, 34.36, 41.149, 41.225, 42.465, 47.459, 48.281; Ov.Met.6.416].

Orchomenus (II). City in Arcadia, south of Mount Cyllene [Hom.Il.2.605; Hyg.Fab.14; Nonn.13.294; Ov.Met.5.607; Pau.8.3.2, 8.3.3].

Oresteum (Oresthasium). City in Arcadia [Apd.Ep.6.28; Pau.8.44.2].

Oricus (Oricum). City in Epirus [Arg.4.1215].

Ormenius (Ormenium). City near Mount Pelion, in Magnesia [Apd.2.7.7; Apd.Ep.3.14; Hom.Il.2.734; Hyg.Fab.97].

Orneae. City west of Mycenae [Hom.Il.2.571].

Orontes. A river in Syria [Ov.Met.2.248; Nonn.33.213].

Orthe. City in Thessaly [Hom.Il.2.739].

Orthia. District in Elis [Pau.5.16.6].

Ortygia. Delos [Arg.1.419, 1.537, 4.1704; Cal.Ap.59; Hom.Od.5.123, 15.403; Hyg.Fab.53, 140; Nonn.9.214; Ov.Met.5.640].

Ossa. Mountain in northern Magnesia (Thessaly) [Apd.1.7.4; Arg.1.598; Cal.Del.137; Hom.Od.11.315; Hyg.Fab.28; Nonn.6.328; Ov.Met.1.155, 2.225, 7.224].

Ostracina. Mountain in Arcadia [Pau.8.12.2].

Othrys. Mountain in Thessaly [Arg.2.515; Cal.Dem.86; Hes.The.632; Ov.Met.2.221, 7.225, 7.353, 12.173, 12.513].

Pachynus. South-eastern promontory of Sicily [Ov.Met.13.725; Nonn.2.398, 13.322].

Pactolus. River in Maeonia (Lydia), tributary of the Hermus [Arg.4.1230; Cal.Del.250; Hyg.Fab.191; Nonn.10.145, 10.226, 11.21, 11.24, 11.38, 11.312, 12.126, 12.166, 13.472, 22.148, 24.52, 33.258, 34.213, 37.115, 37.129, 43.411, 43.442, 47.27, 47.599; Ov.Met.6.16].

Padus. The river Po, in northern Italy [Ov.Met.2.258].

Paeonia. Region in Macedonia [Apd.Ep.3.34; Hom.Il.2.848, 10.428, 16.287, 16.291, 17.350, 21.155, 21.205, 21.211; Ov.Met.5.303, 5.313; Pau.5.1.4].

Paesus. City in the Troad [Hom.Il.5.612].

Pagasae. Harbour in the Pagasaean Gulf, Thessaly [Arg.1.238, 1.318, 1.411, 1.524, 4.1781; Ov.Met.7.1, 8.349, 12.412, 13.24].

Palatine Hill (Palatium). One of the seven hills of Rome [Ov.Met.14.333, 14.622, 14.822].

Palestine. Also called 'Syria'; now the strip of land between Egypt and Syria where Israel is [Ov.Met.4.46, 5.145].

Pallantium. City on the river Tiber [Pau.8.43.2].

Pallene. The westernmost of the three peninsulas jutting into the Aegean Sea from Chalcidice [Apd.1.6.1; Apd.Ep.6.15b; Arg.1.599; Nonn.43.225, 43.334].

Pamphylian hills. Hills in Cilicia, Asia Minor, neighbouring Mount Taurus [Nonn.2.38].

Panacra. Mountains in Crete [Cal.Ze.49].

Panchaea. Island east of Arabia [Hyg.Fab.274; Ov.Met.10.309, 10.478].

Pangaeus. Mountain in Thrace [Apd.3.5.1; Cal.Del.134].

Panopeus. City in Phocis [Hom.Il.2.520; Nonn.13.128; Ov.Met.3.19].

Paphlagonia. Territory of northern Asia Minor [Apd.Ep.3.35; Arg.2.358, 2.790, 4.245, 4.300; Hom.Il.2.851, 5.577, 13.661].

Paphos. City in Cyprus [Apd.3.14.3; Hom.Od.8.363; Hyg.Fab.242; Nonn.2.88, 2.330, 3.97, 3.121, 13.456, 25.169, 29.342, 29.371, 31.125, 33.137, 35.20, 41.107, 41.329, 42.460, 42.464, 48.718; Ov.Met.10.293, 10.530].

Parion. City on the Hellespont [Hyg.Ast.2.4].

Parnassos. Mountain in Phocis, where Delphi is [Arg.2.705; Cal.Del.93; Hes.The.499; Hom.Od.19.394, 19.411, 19.432, 19.466, 21.220, 24.332; Hyg.Fab.140, 185; Nonn.4.308, 4.319, 9.283, 13.131, 27.254, 27.259, 35.90, 40.83; Ov.Met.1.317, 1.467, 2.221, 4.643, 5.278, 11.165, 11.339].

Paropamisos. See Propanisos.

Paroria. City in Arcadia [Pau.8.35.6].

Paros. One of the Cyclades Islands, well known for its marble [Apd.2.5.9, 3.15.7; Ov.Met.3.419, 7.465, 8.221].

Parrhasia. City in Arcadia [Arg.2.521; Cal.Ar.99; Cal.Ze.10; Hom.Il.2.608; Nonn.1.168, 13.286, 23.151, 32.277; Ov.Met.315].

Parthenia. Old name for Samos [Arg.1.188, 2.872; Cal.Del.49; Hyg.Fab.14].

Parthenius (I). Mountain in Arcadia [Apd.2.7.4, 3.9.1; Dio.4.33.11; Hyg.Fab.70, 99; Ov.Met.9.188].

Parthenius (II). River in northern Asia Minor emptying into the Black Sea [Arg.2.936, 3.876; Hom.Il.2.854; Hyg.Fab.181].

Parthians. Asiatic people living south of Colchis [Val.6.690ff.].

Patalene. The region of the Indus delta [Nonn.26.89, 27.156].

Patara. City in Lydia [Ov.Met.1.516].

Patrae. City in Achaea, founded by Patreus, son of Preugenes, son of Agenor 9, son of Areus, son of Ampyx 3, son of Pelias 2, son of Aeginetes 1, son of Dereites, son of Harpalus 1, son of Amyclas 1, son of Lacedaemon, son of Zeus and Taygete (one of the PLEIADES) [Ov.Met.6.417].

Pedasus (I). City by the river Satnioeis in the Troad [Hom.Il.6.35, 20.92, 21.87].

Pedasus (II). City on the outermost border of Pylos [Hom.Il.9.152, 9.294].

Pegae. Fountain in the Cianian country (southern coast of the Propontis) [Arg.1.1222, 1.1243].

Pelasgians (Pelasgi). Aboriginal people, inhabitants of Greece. Also referring to Pelasgiotis or Pelasgia [Apd.1.9.18, 2.1.1, 2.4.4; Apd.Ep.6.15, 6.15b; Arg.1.14, 1.580, 1.906, 1.1024, 2.1239, 3.1323, 4.243; Cal.BP.51; Cal.Del.284; Cal.Dem.25; Hom.Il.2.681, 2.840, 10.429; Hom.Od.19.177; Hyg.Fab.16; Nonn.29.34, 47.479, 47.534, 47.568, 47.720; Ov.Met.7.133, 12.7, 12.19, 12.612, 13.13, 13.128, 13.268, 13.572, 14.562].

Pelasgiotis (Pelasgia). Peloponnesus [Apd.Ep.2.9; Arg.4.265].

Pelethronia. Region in Thessaly inhabited by the CENTAURS and the LAPITHS [Ov.Met.12.452].

Pelion. Mountain in Thessaly [Apd.1.7.4, 2.5.4, 3.13.3, 3.13.5; Arg.1.520, 1.550, 1.581, 2.1188; Cal.Del.104; Hom.Il.2.757, 16.144, 19.391; Hom.Od.11.316; Hyg.Fab.28; Nonn.6.329, 44.2, 48.39; Ov.Met.1.155, 7.224, 7.352, 12.74, 12.513, 13.109].

Pella. City in Macedonia [Ov.Met.5.302, 12.254].

Pellene. City in eastern Achaea [Hom.Il.2.574; Hyg.Fab.14; Nonn.37.149].

Peloponnesus. Peninsula of south Greece, connected with the mainland by the Isthmus of Corinth. It is so called after Pelops 1 [Apd.1.7.2, 1.8.6, 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.2.2, 2.8.2, 3.5.5, 3.15.5; Apd.Ep.2.9; Hyg.Fab.14, 274; Ov.Met.6.414].

Pelorus. Promontory on the north-east coast of Sicily [Nonn.2.395, 6.124, 13.319, 45.173; Ov.Met.13.727].

Peneus. Thessalian river flowing from the foot of Pindus [Apd.2.5.5; Arg.2.500; Cal.Del.105, 112, 121, 128, 148; Hom.Il.2.753, 2.757; Hyg.Fab.203; Ov.Met.1.568, 2.242, 7.230].

Peparethos. Island north of Euboea [Ov.Met.7.470].

Peraebi. People living near Dodona [Hom.Il.2.749].

Peraethenses. City in Arcadia founded by Peraethus, son of Lycaon 2 [Pau.8.3.4].

Percote. City in the Troad opposite the Thracian Chersonesus [Arg.1.932; Hom.Il.2.835, 6.30, 11.229, 11.329, 15.548].

Pergamum. The citadel of Troy [Apd.2.5.9; Hom.Il.4.508, 5.446, 5.460, 6.512, 7.21, 24.700].

Perge. City in Pamphylia, southern Asia Minor [Cal.Ar.187].

Pergus. Fountain near Henna in Sicily [Ov.Met.5.386].

Perioeci. People living in Lacedaemon [Pau.3.25.6].

Periphlegethon. River in the Underworld [Hom.Od.10.513].

Perrhaebia. Territory in Thessaly [Hyg.Fab.97, 173a].

Persia. Country in Asia [Apd.2.4.5; Nonn.18.215, 21.251, 23.82, 23.279; Ov.Met.1.62].

Pessinus. City in central Asia Minor [Pau.7.17.11; Strab.12.15.3].

Peteon. A place in Boeotia [Hom.Il.2.500; Nonn.13.58].

Peuce. Island in the river Ister [Arg.4.309].

Peucetius. Region in Apulia, southern Italy [Ov.Met.14.513].

Phaeacians. The island of the Phaeacians, which is in the Ionian Sea off the coast of Epirus, was originally called Drepane (Sickle-island), but later was called called Scheria, and Corcyra [Apd.1.9.25; Apd.Ep.7.24, 7.25; Arg.4.539, 4.549, 4.822, 4.991, 4.992, 4.1139, 4.1181, 4.1211, 4.1222, 4.1722; Hom.Od.5.35, 5.280, 5.288, 5.345, 5.386, 6.3, 6.35, 6.114, 6.195, 6.197, 6.202, 6.241, 6.270, 6.298, 6.302, 6.327, 7.passim, 8.passim].

Phaestus. City in Crete [Hom.Il.2.648; Nonn.13.223; Ov.Met.9.669].

Phaleron. Harbour in Attica [Nonn.13.198].

Pharis (Pharae). Place in Messenia [Hom.Il.2.582; Pau.4.30.2].

Pharos. Island off the coast of Egypt [Hom.Od.4.355; Nonn.1.13, 43.77].

Phasis. River in Colchis (the Rion) [Apd.1.9.23; Arg.2.401, 2.1261, 2.1278, 3.57, 3.1220, 4.134; Nonn.40.286; Ov.Met.2.249, 7.6, 7.298].

Phegia. City in Arcadia. Erymanthus renamed. Afterwards called Psophis [Pau.8.24.1].

Pheia. City in Elis [Hom.Il.7.135].

Pheneus. City in Arcadia, west of Mount Cyllene [Hom.Il.2.605; Nonn.13.293; Pau.8.14.9].

Pherae (I). City in Thessaly [Apd.1.8.2, 1.9.14, 1.9.15, 2.6.2, 3.10.4; Arg.1.49; Cal.Ar.259; Hom.Il.2.711, 5.543].

Pherae (II). City in southeastern Messenia [Hom.Il.9.151, 9.293; Hom.Od.3.488, 4.798, 15.186].

Phicium. Mountain southeast of Lake Copais in Boeotia [Apd.3.5.8].