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Phylleus to Priapus

Abae to Byzeres
Cabeiraea to Elysium
Emathia to Lycastus
Lyceum to Phicium
Phigalia to Zone

Phylleus. One of the Thebans who laid an ambush for Tydeus 2 when he returned from Thebes. As others in this ambush he was killed by Tydeus 2 [Stat.Theb.3.173].

Phyllis 1. Daughter of the king of the Thracian Bisaltians, to whom Demophon 1, son of Theseus, made false love promises. It is told that on his return from Troy Demophon 1 came with a few ships to Thrace. There he became the lover of the king's daughter Phyllis 1, and her father gave her to him with the kingdom for her dowry. However, the wedding could not take place immediately because Demophon 1 wished to return to Athens, but he swore to return. When he departed Phyllis 1, who was desperately in love with this man, made with him part of the road and when they parted company she gave him an enchanted casket containing a sacrament of the Mother of the Gods, which he was not to open until he knew for certain that he would not return to Thrace. Some say that he should had returned on an appointed day, and that on that day Phyllis 1 ran down to the shore nine times to see whether his sail showed up. When it became clear that Demophon 1 would not return, she hanged herself after cursing her lover. It is also said, however, that she died out of longing for him, and that round the tomb that her parents made for her, trees sprang that, at a certain season, grieve for her, their leaves growing dry and blowing away. And then again some say she prepared her own epitaph: "Demophon sent Phyllis to her doom. Her guest he was, she loved him well. He was the cause that brought her death to pass. Her own the hand by which she fell." [Ovid, Heroides 2.145]. In any case it is said that she thought that this would be a good inscription to be written under the image of Demophon 1 in Athens: "This is he whose wiles betrayed the hostess that loved him." [Ovid, Heroides 2.75]. By the time Phyllis 1 died Demophon 1 was in Cyprus, and so soon he opened the casket she had given him he felt invaded by panic. So, out of control, he mounted his horse, and when the animal stumbled he was thrown, fell on his sword and died [Apd.Ep.6.16, Col.216; Hyg.Fab.59, 243; Ov.Her.2; Prop.2.25.44].

Phyllis 2. A Carian woman, wife of Margasus and mother of Alcaeus 5, counted among the TROJANS [QS.10.143].

Phyllodoce. See NEREIDS.

Phylo. One of the maids of Helen [Hom.Od.4.125].

Phylodamas. See TROJANS.

Phylodamia. Daughter of Danaus 1 (father of the DANAIDS). Phylodamia had a son Pharis by Hermes [Pau.4.30.2].

Phylomache. See NIOBIDS.

Phylomedusa. Mother by Areithous 1 of Menesthius 2, one of the ACHAEANS [Hom.Il.7.8].

Phylonoe. Daughter of Tyndareus and Leda. Phylonoe was made immortal by Artemis [Apd.3.10.6].

Phylonome. Daughter of Nyctimus (son of Lycaon 2) and Arcadia 2. Phylonome used to hunt with Artemis until Ares seduced her in the guise of a shepherd. Being pregnant and fearing her father, she cast her twin children, Lycastus 3 and Parrhasius, into the river Erymanthus, but they found haven in the trunk of a tree. Later a wolf suckled the children and a shepherd, Gyliphus, reared them as if they were his own sons [Plu.PS.36].

Phylonomus. Son of King Electryon 1 of Mycenae and Anaxo 1. Like his brothers, he was killed by the sons of Pterelaus [Apd.2.4.5-6].

Physcoa, from Orthia in Elis, was mother of Narcaeus by Dionysus 2 [Pau.5.16.6].


Physius. Son of Lycaon 2 [Apd.3.8.1].

Phytalus is remembered for having received the fig tree from Demeter [Pau.1.37.2].

Phyto. See HYADES 1.

Piasus. Father of Larisa 2, who married Cyzicus, king of the Dolionians, the people of northwestern Asia Minor visited by the ARGONAUTS. It is told that, before her marriage, she was raped by her father; and on that account Larisa 2, observing him leaning over a cask of wine, seized him by the legs, raised him, and plunged him into the cask, drowning him [Parth.28.1; Strab.13.3.4].

Picus. See Other Deities, and Circe.

Pidytes. See TROJANS.

Pielus. Son of Neoptolemus and Andromache [Pau.1.11.1].

Pieria 1. Wife of Danaus 1 and mother, by him, of Actaea 1, Podarce, Dioxippe 1, Adite, Ocypete 1, and Pylarge [see DANAIDS] [Apd.2.1.5].

Pieria 2. Wife of Oxylus 2, the guide of the HERACLIDES [Pau.5.4.4].

PIERIDES (EMATHIDES). Nine sisters who defied the MUSES in a contest of song and, having been defeated, were turned into magpie, greenfinch, goldfinch, duck and other birds. The MUSES themselves are sometimes called by this name [Lib.Met.9; Ov.Met.5.294ff., 5.669ff.; QS.6.76].

Pieris. Aetolian slave of Menelaus and mother, by him, of Nicostratus [Apd.3.11.1].

Pierus. King of Pella in Macedonia. He was son of Magnes 1 and a Naiad (Naiad 2). Pierus was the father, by Evippe 4, of the PIERIDES. By Clio 1 (one of the MUSES) he became father of Hyacinthus 1 and Polyboea 1 [Apd.1.3.3; Ov.Met.5.302ff.; Pau.3.19.4, 9.29.4].

Pierus' Daughter, who could be the same as Polyboea 1, has been called mother of Orpheus [Pau.9.30.4].

Pilumnus. Turnus' grandfather. Turnus was the man who opposed Aeneas in Italy [Vir.Aen.9.4, 10.76].

Pinarius lived on the Palatine Hill (one of the seven hills of Rome) and welcomed Heracles 1. The Pinarii, among the Romans, descend from him (but see also Pinus) [Dio.4.21.2].

Pinus. The family of the Pinarii are said to descend from Pinus, son of Numa 3 [Plu.Num.21.2].

Piranthus (see Piras 1) [Hyg.Fab.145].

Piras 1 (Peranthus 1, Piranthus, Peirasus 1). Son of King Argus 5 of Argos and Evadne 1, daughter of Strymon 1 (one of the RIVER GODS). Piras 1's wife was Callirrhoe 5 [Apd.2.1.2; Hyg.Fab.145; Pau.2.16.1].

Piras 2 is an unknown figure in a poem by Epimenides of Crete. He is called father of Echidna by Styx [Pau.8.18.2].

Piren 1. Father of Io [Apd.2.1.3].

Piren 2 (see Deliades) [Apd.2.3.1].

Pirene 1. See DANAIDS.

Pirene 2. See NYMPHS.

Pirene 3. Daughter of Asopus (one of the RIVER GODS) and Metope 1 [Dio.4.72.1].

Pireus. Father of Autonoe 4 [Apd.2.7.8].


Pisander 1. See TROJANS.


Pisander 3. See TROJANS.

Pisander 4. See ACHAEANS.

Pisander 5. Father of Maenalus 3, one of the TROJANS [QS.3.299].

Pisander 6 (see Isander) [Strab.13.4.16].


Pisenor 2. See CENTAURS.

Pisenor 3. Father of Clitus 2 and Chlemus, both counted among the TROJANS [Hom.Il.15.445; QS.8.101].

Pisenor 4. Father of Ops 2, father of Euryclia, nurse of Odysseus [Hom.Od.1.429].

Pisenor 5. See HERALDS.

Pisidice 1. Daughter of Aeolus 1 and Enarete; wife of Myrmidon, and mother by him of King Actor 1 of Phthia and Antiphus 1 [Apd.1.7.3-4].

Pisidice 2. Daughter of King Pelias 1 of Iolcus, the man who sent Jason to Colchis. Her mother was either Anaxibia 2 or Phylomache [Apd.1.9.10; Hyg.Fab.24].

Pisidice 3. Daughter of Nestor. Her mother was either Anaxibia 3 or Eurydice 8 [Apd.1.9.9; Hom.Od.3.452].

Pisidice 4. Princess of Methymna in Lesbos (the large island in the Aegean Sea opposite the coast of Asia Minor), who fell in love with Achilles when he was besieging the city. She promised to put the town into his possession if he would take her to wife, and he, for the moment, consented; but when he had seized the city he bade his soldiers stone her to death [similar fates met Comaetho 1, Scylla 2 and Leucophrye] [Parth.21.2-3].

Pisinoe 1 (Molpe). See SIRENS.

Pisinoe 2. A girl living in the neighbourhood of Harmonia 1 (wife of Cadmus) [Nonn.3.72].

Pisistratus 1 was the first to receive Telemachus on the beach of Pylos when he came to the Peloponnesus looking for his father. Pisistratus 1 went with Telemachus to Menelaus' court. He was son of Nestor, his mother being either Anaxibia 3 or Eurydice 8. Pisistratus 1 had a son Pisistratus 2 [Apd.1.9.9; Hdt.5.65; Hom.Od.3.36, 3.452; Pau.2.18.8].

Pisistratus 2, son of Pisistratus 1, was expelled from Messenia by the HERACLIDES Temenus 2 and Cresphontes [Pau.2.18.8].

Pisus. Son of Perieres 1 and Gorgophone 2 (daughter of Perseus 1) and founder of Pisa in Elis [Pau.5.17.9, 6.22.1].

Pitana. Mother, by Poseidon, of Evadne 3 [Pin.Oly.6.28ff.].

Pithos 1. A hale old man in the court of king Staphylus 2, an Assyrian king. His name was given to the hollow of the vat which stands close to a winepress [Nonn.18.149, 20.130].

Pithos 2. See SATYRS.

Pittheus united the inhabitants of Hyperea and Anthea into a new city, which he called after his brother Troezen. While he was king of Troezen he caused Aegeus 1, who had come to visit him, to lie with his daughter Aethra 2. Pittheus was son of Pelops 1 and Hippodamia 3, and his children were the aforementioned Aethra 2, and Henioche 3 [see Aegeus 1 and Troezen] [Apd.3.15.7; Eur.Hcl.207; Eur.Med.683; Pau.2.30.8; Plu.The.25.4; Strab.8.6.14].

Pityocamptes. A malefactor who forced travelers to help him bend a tree that he suddenly let rebound, dashing them violently to the ground. He was killed by Theseus [Hyg.Fab.38].

Pityreus. Father of Procles 1 [Pau.7.4.2].

Pitys. See NYMPHS.

Placia, daughter of Otreus 1, was wife of Laomedon 1 and mother of his children: Tithonus 1, Lampus 2, Clytius 5, Hicetaon 1, Priam 1, Hesione 2, Cilla, and Astyoche 4 [Apd.3.12.3].

Plataea. Daughter of Asopus (one of the RIVER GODS) and Metope 1. After her the Plataeans in Boeotia are called [Pau.9.1.1].

Plato. Son of Lycaon 2 [Apd.3.8.1].


Pleione (Hesione 3). See OCEANIDS.

Pleistinus assisted his brother Faustulus in rearing Romulus and Remus 1. He was later killed in the battle that followed the conflict between Romulus and Remus 1 [Plu.Rom.10.2].

Pleistus. Father of the NYMPHS CORYCIAN (see NYMPHS) [Arg.2.711].

Plemnaeus. It is told that all the children born to him by his wife died the very first time they wailed. At last Demeter took pity on him, came to Aegialia disguised as a woman, and reared for Plemnaeus his son Orthopolis. Plemnaeus was son of King Peratus of Sicyon, son of Poseidon [Pau.2.5.7-8].

Pleuron. This is the man after whom the city in Aetolia (the region in mainland Greece north of the Gulf of Patrae) was named. He was son of Aetolus 2 (son of Endymion, whom Selene loved) and Pronoe 2. Pleuron married Xanthippe 1 (daughter of Dorus 2, son of Apollo) and had children by her: Agenor 6, Sterope 1, Stratonice 1, and Laophonte [see also Calydon] [Apd.1.7.7].

Plexaure 1. See OCEANIDS.

Plexaure 2. See NEREIDS.


Plexippus 2 was falsely accused by his stepmother Idaea 2 and blinded by his father Phineus 2; his mother was Cleopatra 5 [for similar cases see Phoenix 2 and Pandion 3, the last being his brother] [see also Phineus 2] [Apd.3.15.3].

Plexippus 3. One of the sons of Aegyptus 1. See DANAIDS.

Plexippus 4. One of the sons of Aegyptus 1. See DANAIDS.

Plisthenes 1. Son of Atreus and Aerope 1 (daughter of Catreus). Plisthenes 1 was reared by Atreus' brother Thyestes 1 as his own son, and when these two came into conflict with each other, Thyestes 1 sent Plisthenes 1 to Atreus, who, believing that he was his brother's son, slew him. Otherwise it is said that Plisthenes 1 is the father of Agamemnon, Anaxibia 4, and Menelaus, either by Aerope 1, or by Cleolla, daughter of Dias [Apd.3.2.1; Hes.CWE.69; Hyg.Fab.86; Pau.2.29.4].

Plisthenes 2. Similar to Plisthenes 1, but said to be son of Thyestes 1. He was killed as an infant by Atreus and served to Thyestes 1 at a banquet [Hyg.Fab.88].

Plisthenes 3. Son of Helen, probably by Menelaus. It is said that she took him with her to Cyprus [CYP.9].

Ploto. See NEREIDS.

Pluto 1. See OCEANIDS.

Pluto 2 (see Hades) [Hyg.Fab.79].

Pluto 3. Daughter of Himas, and mother by Zeus of Tantalus 1 [Hyg.Fab.155; Nonn.1.146, 7.19; Pau.2.22.3].

Plutus (Wealth).


Podarce. See DANAIDS.

Podarces 1 (see Priam 1) [Apd.3.12.5].


Podarces 3. See BESTIARY.

Podarge, one of the HARPIES, consorted with Zephyrus 1 [see WINDS], giving birth to Xanthus 1, Balius 1, and Arion 1 [see HARPIES at BESTIARY] [Hom.Il.16.150; QS.3.750, 4.569].

Podargus 1. One of the man-eating MARES OF DIOMEDES 1 [see BESTIARY and HERACLES 1'S LABOURS] [Hyg.Fab.30].

Podargus 2. See BESTIARY.

Podargus 3. See BESTIARY.

Podasimus. One of the sons of Aegyptus 1. See DANAIDS.

Podes. See TROJANS.


Poeciles. Father of Membliarus [Hdt.4.147].

Poemander. Founder of Tanagra, in Boeotia. He was besieged by the Achaeans in a place called Stephon, but he abandoned that stronghold by night and fortified Poemandria. Poemander was son of Chaeresilaus (son of Iasius 3, son of Eleuther 1, son of Apollo) and Stratonice 4, whom Achilles carried off. He married Tanagra (daughter either of Aeolus 1 or of Asopus, one of the RIVER GODS) and had sons by her: Leucippus 9 and Ephippus [Pau.9.20.1; Plu.GQ.37].

Poemenis. One of ACTAEON'S DOGS. See Actaeon.

Poemenius. See SATYRS.


Polemocrates. A healer, son of Machaon, son of Asclepius [Pau.2.38.6].

Polemusa. See AMAZONS.

Polichus. Son of Lycaon 2 [Apd.3.8.1].

Poliporthes (Ptoliporthes, Ptoliporthus). According to some he was son of Odysseus and Penelope, born after his father's return from Troy. Others say that he was son of Telemachus and Nausicaa [Apd.Ep.7.35; Dictys 6.6; Pau.8.12.6].

Polites 1. See TROJANS.

Polites 2. One of Odysseus' captains, during his return after the Trojan War. He was among those who entered the castle of Circe [Hom.Od.10.224; Strab.6.1.5].

Polites 3, ill-renowned for a brother's murder, was a defender of Thebes against the SEVEN. He was killed by Amphiaraus and Apollo [Stat.Theb.7.757].

Polites 4. A soldier in the army of the SEVEN AGAINST THEBES. He was killed by Haemon 1 [Stat.Theb.8.491].

Polites 5. Defender of Thebes against the SEVEN. He was killed by Hippomedon 1 [Stat.Theb.9.125].

Polites 6. A man in the crew of Menelaus during his return from Troy [Pau.10.25.3].

Poltys. An Aenian who entertained Heracles 1 when he came to Aenus in Thrace. He was son of Poseidon [Apd.2.5.9].

Polus. Father of Leto [Hyg.Fab.140].

Polyaemon. Father of Amopaon, one of the TROJANS [Hom.Il.8.276].

Polyanax. King of Melos (one of the Cyclades Islands). It is said that after his death was succeeded by Menestheus 1, king of Athens [Apd.Ep.6.15b].

Polybe. See DANAIDS.

Polyboea 1 is reported to have been carried to heaven. She was daughter either of Amyclas 1 (son of Lacedaemon, son of Zeus and Taygete) and Diomede 2, or of Pierus and Clio 1 (one of the MUSES) [Apd.1.3.3, 3.10.3; Pau.3.19.4].

Polyboea 2. Daughter of King Oicles of Argos and Hypermnestra 2 [Dio.4.68.5].

Polybotes. See GIANTS.

Polybus 1. Father, by Argia 2, of Argus 2, one of the ARGONAUTS [Hyg.Fab.14].



Polybus 4 is the king of Corinth who adopted and reared the child Oedipus. He was married, either to Periboea 4, or to Merope 7, and had, by one of them, a daughter Alcinoe 2. Oedipus took hard the news of his death, as he thought him to be his father. Polybus 4 died of an illness [Apd.3.5.7; Hyg.Fab.67; Parth.27.1; Stat.Theb.1.64; Soph.OT.774, 956ff.; Strab.8.6.22].

Polybus 5. See TROJANS.

Polybus 6. Father of Eurymachus 2, one of the SUITORS OF PENELOPE [Hom.Od.1.399].

Polybus 7 lived in Egyptian Thebes. His wife was Alcandre [Hom.Od.4.126].

Polybus 8. A skilled Phaeacian craftsman who made a beautiful ball for Halius 1 and Laodamas 1 to play with [Hom.Od.8.373].

Polybus 9. Son of Hermes and Chthonophyle, and king of Sicyon. Dying without a son, he gave the kingdom to Adrastus 1 (counted among the SEVEN AGAINST THEBES). Polybus 9 had a daughter Lysianassa 3 [Hdt.5.67; Pau.2.6.6].

Polycaon 1 was the first ruler of Messenia. He was son of Lelex 2 (a Laconian king who arrived from Egypt) and Cleocharia (one of the NYMPHS) [Pau.3.1.1, 4.1.1, 4.1.5].

Polycaon 2. Son of Butes 1 (one of the ARGONAUTS). His wife was Evaechme 2, daughter of Hyllus 1, son of Heracles 1 [Pau.4.2.1].

Polycaste 1, daughter of Lygaeus, is said to have been wife of Icarius 1, to whom she bore children: Thoas 1, Damasippus, Imeusimus, Aletes 3, Perileos, Penelope, Iphthime, Alyzeus, and Leucadius [see also Icarius 1] [Strab.10.2.24].

Polycaste 2. King Nestor's youngest daughter who prepared Telemachus' bath when he came to Pylos looking for his father. Her mother was either Anaxibia 3 or Eurydice 8. She is said to have later married Telemachus, having a child Persepolis by him [Apd.1.9.9; Hes.CWE.12; Hom.Od.3.452, 3.464].

Polycrithus was a master-builder who spoke slightingly of the fortifications of Poemandria and, in derision, leaped over the moat. Poemander hurled a stone at him but he missed Polycrithus and slew his own son Leucippus 9 instead [Plu.GQ.37].

Polyctor 1. One of the sons of Aegyptus 1. See DANAIDS.

Polyctor 2 is remembered for having made a basin of stone into which a spring ran, in Ithaca, together with Ithacus 1 and Neritus. He had a son Pisander 2, who was one of the SUITORS OF PENELOPE [Hom.Od.17.207, 18.299].

Polydamas. See TROJANS.

Polydamna. An Egyptian lady who gave Helen a drug which had the power of robbing grief and banishing all painful memories. She was married to Thon, the warden of the mouth of the river Nile [Hom.Od.4.229ff.].

Polydectes 1 colonized Seriphos (one of the Cyclades islands) and there became king. When the chest in which Danae and her son was washed ashore on the island, he received them. He later fell in love with Danae but could not be with her because of Perseus 1, and in order to get rid of him Polydectes 1 sent Perseus 1 to fetch and bring back the head of Medusa 1. However Perseus 1 survived the task, and when he came back to Seriphos he discovered that Polydectes 1 behaved like a cruel ruler. So he entered the palace and showed the king and his friends the head of Medusa 1, and all who saw it were instantly turned into stone. Others say, however, that Danae's father Acrisius was obssessed with the oracle that said that Perseus 1 would be his death, and when he discovered that they were staying at Polydectes 1's court, he went to get them. At his arrival Polydectes 1 interceded for them, and Perseus 1 was made to swear that he would never kill his grandfather. Acrisius, however, had to stay there because of a storm, and in the meanwhile Polydectes 1 died. Polydectes 1 was son of Magnes 1 (son of Aeolus 1) and a Naiad (Naiad 2) [Apd.1.9.6, 2.4.1-3; Hes.CWE.3; Hyg.Fab.63, 64; Ov.Met.5.242ff.; Strab.10.5.10].

Polydectes 2 succeeded his father Eunomus 2 as king of Sparta and was succeeded by his son Charillus [Pau.3.7.3].

Polydector. One of the sons of Aegyptus 1. See DANAIDS.

Polydegmon, counted among the ETHIOPIAN CHIEFS, was a descendant of Queen Semiramis. He was killed by Perseus 1 during the fight between the latter and Phineus 1 at the court of Cepheus 1 [Ov.Met.5.85].


Polydora 1, daughter of Peleus and Antigone 1, consorted with Sperchius (one of the RIVER GODS), and had a son Menesthius 1 (one of the ACHAEANS) by him. She also married Borus 1, son of King Perieres 1 of Messenia [Apd.3.13.1; Hom.Il.16.173ff.].

Polydora 2. Daughter of King Perieres 1 of Messenia and Gorgophone 2, daughter of Perseus 1. She consorted with Sperchius (one of the RIVER GODS), and had a son Menesthius 1 (one of the ACHAEANS) by him. She also consorted with Peleus. Polydora 2 could be believed to be the same as Polydora 1 [Apd.3.13.4, 3.10.3].

Polydora 3. Daughter of Meleager and Cleopatra 4, and wife of Protesilaus, one of the ACHAEAN LEADERS, and the first of the Achaeans to land on Trojan soil. Having slain many, he was himself killed, and his wife, in her grief, made an image of him and consorted with it. The gods took pity on her, and Hermes brought up Protesilaus from Hades. On seeing him his wife thought it was himself returned from Troy, and she was glad; but when he was carried back to Hades, she stabbed herself to death. This happened to her mother and grandmother too; for Cleopatra 4 killed herself when Meleager died, and Cleopatra 4's mother Marpessa 1 did the same when her husband Idas 2 was slain by Polydeuces, one of the DIOSCURI. So all these women slew themselves on the death of their husbands [Pau.4.2.7].

Polydora 4. See OCEANIDS.

Polydora 5. Daughter of Danaus 1, father of the DANAIDS. She and Sperchius (one of the RIVER GODS) had a son Dryops 1 [Lib.Met.32].

Polydora 6. See AMAZONS.

Polydorus 1. See EPIGONI.

Polydorus 2 received the kingdom of Thebes when his parents Cadmus and Harmonia 1 migrated to the Illyrian tribe of the Encheleans. Polydorus 2 married Nycteis having by her a son Labdacus 1, grandfather of Oedipus [see Thebes and Oedipus] [Apd.3.4.2, 3.5.5; Hes.The.978; Hyg.Fab.76; Nonn.5.208; Pau.2.6.2, 9.5.3].

Polydorus 3. See TROJANS.


Polydorus 5. See TROJANS.

Polydorus 6 was defeated by Nestor in casting the spear at the funeral games of Amarynceus 1, king of Elis [Hom.Il.23.637].

Polygonus. Son of Proteus 2. He challenged Heracles 1 to wrestle and was killed by him [Apd.2.5.9].

Polyhymnia (see Polymnia) [Ov.Fast.5.9].


Polyidus 1. See SEERS.


Polyidus 3. See TROJANS.

Polylaus. Son of Heracles 1.

Polymede. Wife of Aeson and mother, by him, of Jason and Promachus 2. After the death of her husband, Polymede cursed King Pelias 1 of Iolcus [see also ARGONAUTS] and hanged herself. Polymede was daughter of Autolycus 1, the skilful thief, and Amphithea 3 [Apd.1.9.16, 1.9.27; Hom.Od.19.415].

Polymedon. Son of Priam 1 [Apd.3.12.5; Hyg.Fab.90].

Polymele 1. Daughter of Peleus, wife of Menoetius 2, and mother by him of Patroclus 1 [Apd.3.13.8].

Polymele 2. Daughter of Phylas 3 and mother, by Hermes, of Eudorus, counted among the ACHAEANS. She later married Echecles [Hom.Il.16.179ff.].

Polymele 3. Daughter of Aeolus 2 and Cyane 2, daughter of Liparus, son of Auson, a king in Italy. When Odysseus visited Aeolus 2's island he fell in love with Polymele 3 and had, as they say, a most agreeable stay. But when Odysseus left the island and her father discovered the presents that Odysseus had given Polymele 3, he was prone to exact vengenace on his daughter. So her brother Diores 3, being in love with her, interceded in her behalf and they both persuaded their father to give her to him as his wife [Hom.Od.10.1; Dio.5.7.5; Parth.2.2].

Polymelus 1. See TROJANS.

Polymelus 2. Son of Priam 1.

Polymestor 1 (Polymnestor). This is the king of the Bistonians in Thrace who should have taken care of Polydorus 3, whom his father Priam 1 had sent far away from the Trojan War, but who, tempted by the treasure Polydorus 3 had brought, killed him. For along with Polydorus 3, Priam 1 sent to Thrace a secret store of gold, which, if ever Troy should fall, could help to rescue the remains of his house. While Troy stood firm and was still strong, Polydorus 3 lived a happy life in King Polymestor 1's palace. But when Hector 1 and King Priam 1 himself were killed and Troy was sacked, Polymestor 1, in order to get the Trojan gold, murdered his guest, throwing his body into the sea. The corpse of Polydorus 3 appeared in the shore, close to the place where the Achaean army was encamped, and delivered to his mother, the former Queen of Troy, who was now a prisoner. Warned by a dream Hecabe 1 understood who the murderer was and which his motive. And wishing to avenge his son, she planned the ruin of this false and perjured friend who had committed such a black treachery, without fearing the powers below nor those above. For this purpose she sent a messenger to Polymestor 1, begging him to come and bring his sons, so that all would listen to something she had to tell them. Agamemnon was fully informed by Hecabe 1 of the crime perpetrated by Polymestor 1 and having at the moment the queen's daughter Cassandra lying by his side in bed, was inclined to put things aright, even though he was reluctant to invite criticism from the Achaeans, who regarded Polymestor 1 as an ally. In any case Agamemnon did not oppose her and provided the messenger with safe-conduct through the camp. Then Hecabe 1 fabricated a story about a store of gold buried long ago in the place in Troy where once Athena's temple stood, asking Polymestor 1 to take charge of some items, belonging to that treasure, which she had brought with her when leaving Troy, and that now were hidden in her tent. Lured by her tales of gold treasured by Priam 1's family, the Thracian king and his two sons were brought alone into the tent, where they were murdered by Hecabe 1 and the Trojan women that were with her. Yet others have said that when Polydorus 3 was born, his father Priam 1 gave him to his daughter Iliona, who was married to King Polymestor 1. Iliona, who was Polydorus 3's sister, brought him up as her own son; and the son Deipylus 1 that she had by Polymestor 1, she brought as if he were her brother, thinking that if anything happened to either of them, she could give the other to her parents at Troy. Now, when Troy was sacked, the Achaeans purposed to destroy the house of Priam 1 and that is why, they say, they murdered little Astyanax 2, the son of Hector 1. With regard to Polydorus 3 the Achaeans sent messengers to King Polymestor 1, promising him Electra 2, daughter of Agamemnon, in marriage, together with a large amount of gold, if he would kill Polydorus 3. Polymnestor 1, they say, found the offer attractive and slew his own son Deipylus 1 unwittingly, thinking he had killed Polydorus 3. In the meantime this young man had gone to the Oracle at Delphi and, having inquired about his parents, he learned that his city was burned, his father dead, and his mother held in servitude. When Polydorus 3 returned home to Thrace, not knowing that he came originally from Troy and believing Polymestor 1 and Iliona to be his parents, he thought that the Oracle had spoken falsely. However, his sister Iliona, who later committed suicide on account of the misfortunes of her family, revealed the truth and, following her advice, Polydorus 3 blinded Polymestor 1 and killed him [Eur.Hec.24 and passim.; Hyg.Fab.109, 240; Ov.Met.13.430ff.; Prop.3.13.55].

Polymestor 2, son of Aeginetes 2, became king of Arcadia after his father. In his reign the Lacedaemonians for the first time invaded Tegea, led by Charillus. Polymestor 2 was childless [Pau.8.5.9].

Polymnestor (see Polymestor 1) [Hyg.Fab.109].

Polymnestus. Father by Phronime of Battus 2, the Theran, colonizer of Libya and founder of Cyrene [Hdt.4.150-155; Pin.Pyth.4.59].

Polymnia (Polyhymnia). See MUSES.

Polymnius. See TROJANS.

Polymnus (Hypolipnus) is the man who showed Dionysus 2 how to descend to Hades when he fetched Semele [Pau.2.37.5].

Polyneus. Son of Tecton 2 and father of Amphialus 3 (all Phaeacians) [Hom.Od.8.111].


Polynome. See NEREIDS.

Polypemon (see Procrustes) [Apd.3.16.2; Apd.Ep.1.4; Pau.1.38.5].

Polyphemus 1. See ARGONAUTS.

Polyphemus 2.

Polyphetes. See TROJANS.

Polyphides 1. King of Sicyon, to whom Agamemnon and Menelaus were brought by their nurse when they had to go into exile [see also Atreus] [Apd.Ep.2.15].

Polyphides 2. See SEERS.

Polyphoetes. A priest of Demeter at Troy seen again by Aeneas in Hades [see also Map of the Underworld] [Vir.Aen.6.484].

Polyphonte. This is the girl who, despising Aphrodite, became the companion of Artemis, but Aphrodite inspired in her a passion for a Bear. And from her relation with the bear, the GIANTS Agrius 6, and Orius 3 were born. Polyphonte, who at the end was turned into an owl, was daughter of Hipponous 5 and Thrassa, daughter of Ares [Lib.Met.21].

Polyphontes 1. See HERALDS.

Polyphontes 2. Defender of the Electran Gate at Thebes who laid an ambush against Tydeus 2 and was killed by him. He was son of Autophonus [Aes.Sev.448; Hom.Il.4.395].

Polyphontes 3. See HERACLIDES.


Polypoetes 2. Son of Apollo and Phthia 2 killed by Aetolus 2 [see also Calydon] [Apd.1.7.6].

Polypoetes 3. See SUITORS OF PENELOPE.

Polypoetes 4. Son of Odysseus and Callidice 2, queen of the Thesprotians. When his mother died, Odysseus handed over to him the kingdom of the Thesprotians which was in the southern part of Epirus on the Adriatic coast [Apd.Ep.7.35; TEL.1].

Polytechnos. A carpenter living in Colophon (in Lydia in Asia Minor), who raped his wife's sister but was later punished by her family. By his wife Aedon he had a son Itylus. The woman he raped is Chelidon [see this name]. Polytechnos was turned into a woodpecker by Zeus [Lib.Met.11].

Polytherses. Father of Ctesippus 2, one of the SUITORS OF PENELOPE [Hom.Od.22.287].

Polyxena 1, daughter of Priam 1 and Hecabe 1, was Eurymachus 3's betrothed. During the Trojan War, Achilles fell in love with her and sought her in marriage, but as he came for an interview, he was killed by Paris and Deiphobus 1. After the war, Polyxena 1 was slaughtered on the grave of Achilles by the Achaeans and buried in the house of Antenor 1, father of Eurymachus 3 [see also Dares' Account of the Destruction of Troy]. Later, it was told that she was not slain by the Achaeans, but that she threw herself upon an upright sword, having come of her own free will to the sepulchre of Achilles. This action, they say, proved how high was the value she set on her own passion for Achilles [Apd.3.12.5; Apd.Ep.5.23; Eur.Hec.40, 174 and passim; Eur.Tro.622; Phil.VA.4.16; QS.14.267ff., 14.323; SI.1; Try.686].

Polyxena 2. See DANAIDS.

Polyxenus 1. King of Elis entrusted by the Taphians with the stolen kine, which Amphitryon ransomed and brought to Mycenae [Apd.2.4.6].


Polyxenus 3 (see Medus) [Pau.2.3.8].

Polyxinus. A man to whom Demeter taught her mysteries [Hom.Dem.2.477].

Polyxo 1. See NYMPHS.


Polyxo 3. Mother by Nycteus 2, of Antiope 3 (mother of Amphion 1) and Nycteis [Apd.3.10.1].

Polyxo 4. Queen of Rhodes who wished to avenge the death of her husband Tlepolemus 1 (one of the ACHAEAN LEADERS) on Helen, and arranged her death [Pau.3.19.10].

Polyxo 5. A Lemnian middle-aged woman, nurse of Hypsipyle, who advised her concerning the ARGONAUTS. Or else a priestess of Apollo dwelling beneath the waters, who addressed the Lemnian women telling them to yield the harbour to the ARGONAUTS [Arg.1.668; Hyg.Fab.15; Stat.Theb.5.131; Val.2.316].

Polyxo 6 came to invite Triopas 2 and Erysichthon 2 to the marriage of her child, but Erysichthon 2 would not come as he was tormented by the disease (hunger) that Demeter had sent on him [see also Demeter]. She was mother of Actorion [Cal.Dem.77].

Pomona. See NYMPHS.

Pompilia. Daughter of King Numa 3 of Rome, her mother being either Tatia or Lucretia 1. Pompilia married Marcius 2 and had a son Ancus Marcius, who became king of Rome [Plu.Num.21.2ff.].

Pompilius Pompon (see Pompon 1) [DH.2.58.2].

Pompon 1 (Pompilius Pompon). An illustrious Sabine, father of the sage Roman king Numa 3 [DH.2.58.2; Plu.Num.3.4].

Pompon 2. Son of King Numa 3 of Rome. The family of the Pomponii are said to descend from him [Plu.Num.21.2].

Pompus succeeded his father Simus as king of Arcadia, and was succeeded by his own son Aeginetes 2 [Pau.8.5.8-9].

Ponteus. A young Phaeacian nobleman, who competed in the games arranged to honour Odysseus when he visited the Phaeacians [Hom.Od.8.111].

Pontomedusa. See NEREIDS.

Pontonous. The squire of King Alcinous of the Phaeacians [Hom.Od.7.179].

Pontoporia. See NEREIDS.


Porphyrion 1. See GIANTS.

Porphyrion 2 is the twin brother of Ptous. They were sons of Athamas 1 and Themisto 2, third wife of Athamas 1. They were killed unwittingly by their mother, who believed them to be the children of Ino, second wife of Athamas 1 [see also Athamas 1] [Nonn.9.317ff.].

Porsinas. King of Clusium (Chiusi in Italy). He tried to restore Tarquinius Superbus to the throne of Rome by force of arms but was unable to do so [for the fall of Tarquinius Superbus see Lucretia 2] [Strab.5.2.2].

Porthaon (Portheus 3, Parthaon 2). Son either of Ares, or of Agenor 6 (son of Pleuron, son of Aetolus 2, son of King Endymion of Elis, whom Selene loved) and Epicasta 1 (daughter of Calydon, eponym of the city of Calydon and brother of Pleuron). Porthaon married Euryte 2 (daughter of Hippodamas 1, son of Achelous, one of the RIVER GODS) and had children by her: Oeneus 2 (king of Calydon), Agrius 3, Alcathous 1, Melas 1, Leucopeus, Sterope 2, and Lacoon; but some say that Lacoon was his son by a servant (Woman 4 Servant) [Apd.1.7.7, 1.7.10; Arg.1.192; Hyg.Fab.14; Lib.Met.2].

Portheus 1. Son of Lycaon 2 [Apd.3.8.1; Pau.8.17.6].

Portheus 2. Father of Echion 4, one of the ACHAEANS [Apd.Ep.5.20].

Portheus 3 (see Porthaon) [Lib.Met.2].



Postumus (see Silvius) [Ov.Fast.4.41].

Potamon. One of the sons of Aegyptus 1. See DANAIDS.


Potitius. A priest of Heracles 1 in the court of Evander 2, the Arcadian who migrated to Italy [Vir.Aen.8.269].

Potnieus. Father of Pelarge [Pau.9.25.7].

Poulunoe. See NEREIDS.

Prax. Grandson of Pergamus who built a sanctuary of Achilles in Lacedaemon (Pergamus was grandson of Achilles) [Pau.3.20.8].

Praxithea 1. One of the many daughters of Thespius and Megamede. She consorted with Heracles 1 and gave birth to a son Nephus [Apd.2.4.10, 2.7.8].

Praxithea 2. See NYMPHS.

Praxithea 3. Woman at Eleusis who discovered Demophon 2 in the fire where Demeter had put him to make him immortal. When she saw the child in the fire she cried out and the babe was consumed by the flames [see also Demeter] [Apd.1.5.1].

Praxithea 4. Daughter of Phrasimus and Diogenia 1, daughter of Cephisus (one of the RIVER GODS). She married King Erechtheus of Athens and had children by him: Cecrops 2, Pandorus, Metion 1, Procris 2, Creusa 1, Chthonia 1, Orithyia 2, Sicyon, Orneus 1, Thespius, Eupalamus, and Merope 8 [see also Erechtheus] [Apd.3.15.1].

Presbon. Son of Phrixus 1 (son of Athamas 1) and Chalciope 2 (daughter of Aeetes). Presbon was father of Clymenus 2, father of Erginus 1, whom Heracles 1 killed [Pau.9.34.7, 9.37.1].

Preugenes. Son of Agenor 9 and father of Patreus, the founder of Patrae [Pau.3.2.1].

Priam 1 (Podarces 1).

Priam 2. A companion of the exiled Aeneas. He was son of Polites 1, counted among the TROJANS [Vir.Aen.5.564].

PRIAMIDES. The offspring of Priam 1. See Priam 1.
