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Commodus with Jupiter denarius. Very nice!
Item Number : 72923
 Auction Detail 
Auction is Closed
Auction Type Standard Starting Bid$0.99
Current Bid$45.00   # of Bids5  
QuantityN/A LocationToronto, Ontario, CANADA
Time LeftAuction is Closed Mail This Auction to a Friend
Started2/10/2020 4:18:18 PM EST   
Ends2/25/2020 4:18:18 PM EST   
Item Owner (Ratings)Jay GT4 (28)       
High Bidder (Ratings)Alex J2 (56)  
Accepted Payment MethodsPayPal - All sellers MUST accept PayPal!
Shipping CostsSuccessful bidder will pay all shipping costs, 
International Registered Mail with Tracking and Insurance $29
Times this auction viewed174
M COMM ANT P FEL AVG BRIT. Laureate head right. OPTIME MAXIME. Juppiter sanding left holding thunderbolt and scepter CVPP. Rome 149 AD. 4.47g. Sear 5664 RIC 192 Cohen 387. Amazing toning that is even nicer in hand. From my own personal collection, the Savuto collection.

Added on 2/10/2020 5:10:21 PM

Correction on weight 3.49g


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Commodus with Jupiter denarius. Very nice!
Item Number : 72923


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